Welcome to the Sustainaroo Travels Podcast, where we showcase the ways real people are making real world changes to live, work and travel sustainably!
We have recently changed our releasing schedule to the First Tuesday of the Month! Stay tuned and Subscribe!
Sustainaroo Travels Video Podcast
The video podcast is available on YouTube & Spotify. Below is the YouTube Podcast Playlist! Don’t forget to subscribe and let us know your thoughts!
Sustainaroo Travels Audio Podcast
The podcast interviews are also available in audio version on all your favourite platforms. Below you can find a podcast player and the links to all the podcast platforms.
Sustainaroo Travels Podcast Show Notes

Artivist Carolyn Cardinet: Exploring Sustainable Art
We spoke to the gorgeous artivist Carolyn Cardinet, a visual artist who works with waste. She is a multi media installation artist, and makes stunning installations, wearables, necklaces, earrings and sculpture made of single waste plastics she sources. She has dedicated her whole artistic career to sustainability and sustainable…

L’ada Soaps and Scents: Non Toxic Skincare and Sustainable Cleaning Products
We spoke to Deb, the owner and creator behind L’ada Soaps and Scents. It is a family business, Deb runs it with her husband Andrew and their two sons, Liam and Adam, also help out. All of their products are home made locally and are natural and sustainable. Deb…

Into Coffee and Into Carry: Luke Phillip’s Sustainability Hub
Welcome to another showcase for our Sustainaroo Travels Podcast, where we interview real people making real world changes every day for a better future. This time we spoke to Luke Phillips, who owns Into Coffee, a zero waste cafe and sustainability hub, and Into Carry, a studio for eco-friendly…

Penguins in St Kilda: Earthcare’s Inspiring Efforts
Interview with Lana & Flossy from Earthcare St Kilda Flossy & Lana from Earthcare St Kilda Welcome to another showcase podcast episode, where we interview people who are making real world changes everyday for a better future. This time we were lucky enough to speak to Earthcare St Kilda,…

Easy Sustainability Ideas from Bulk Food Store Owners
Part 2 of Maddie and Andreas’ Interview Welcome to Part 2 of our interview with Maddie and Andreas, the owners of Providence Foods bulk food store in Ferntree Gully, in Melbourne, Australia. We asked them for some easy sustainability ideas for our sustainable business showcase, where we interview people…

Providence Foods Bulk Food Store, Ferntree Gully
Part 1 of Maddie & Andreas’ Interview Welcome to our first sustainable business showcase! Where we interview people who are making real world changes every day for a better future. Don’t forget to check out Part two where they talk about sustainable tips and swaps. The store owners, Maddie…